Saturday, July 05, 2008

Saturday in the park, I think it was the Fourth of July

Had a pretty lovely weekend. First of all I want to show off this really lovely photo of my Nana. I know she has her hand in front of her face..she always sits like that really. I love her very much and hope she will allow me to take more photos of her in the future because she is goddamn awesome. Then of course I have my sister showing off how much she loves America.

Alex and Jess are expecting their second baby soon! Props to their first born, Airin, who I unfortunately don't have a good picture of...unless you count this one of him instead a net.

Then when I got the hell out of there I picked up some beers and headed to Mike Shane's to party on the roof in the beautiful drizzle of rain. I ate some awesome fruit salad and hot dogs, had a couple of beers, and called Lenny "Winnie the Pooh" only to really learn he's more Eeyore. I am similar to Tigger, and it's agreed that Rabbit needs to take a chill pill. I actually really kinda hate Winnie The Pooh and that whole camp, but I'm not going to get into the Disney talk right now....

So it was a good night. I also tried wrapping tin foil around my flash when it stopped working as an Alien-Mind-Control/Reading-Repellent for Erin. Then proceeded to camera fight, have a little more convo and go home by around 1..

Special thanks to my family for being nuts and everyone on the roof that night for being awesome.

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